Resources for Military Families

For families serving our country and defending our freedoms at home and abroad, establishing roots for academic success can often be a struggle. According to the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (ICEOMC) (adopted in Ohio Code in July 2009), most military children will attend six to nine different school systems during their education from kindergarten to 12th grade. Additional barriers to the academic process for military families can include, difficulty with the enrollment process, delays in transferring of grades and transcripts from other schools, adapting to new schools and routines, and building new routes and establishing new friends.
In an effort to streamline some of these barriers to the academic process for families in our district serving in our armed forces, we have compiled a list of resources below and established a district liaison to serve as the primary contact between military families and the schools.
At Circleville City Schools, we are proud to serve students and families with military connections in our community. While all of our students proudly wear their Red and Black Tiger stripes in the form of spirit wear in school, we are honored that there are members of our family who wear stripes affiliated with the armed forces each and every day. If Circleville City Schools can be of assistance in any way in providing resources for your family our home is always available unto you.